PE gets a bad wrap at at times because of how it "used to be". I have heard horror stories of how PE teachers "roll out the ball" and sit with a newspaper or just focus on the super star athletes. If you had this type of PE experience, I sincerely apologize. Not all of us are like this. As a matter of fact, more and more PE teachers are trying to be innovative and create quality PE programs. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, PE is one of the first subjects to be cut or downsized. Schools have one or two PE teachers with class sizes upwards to 40-50 with minimal equipment, non-existent budgets and hardly any support. Thankfully, the digital world does not disappoint. I can't tell you how many times Twitter has saved my lessons or saved a rain day for me. It's so easy to find new ideas on Twitter or bounce ideas off of other PE teachers to get a fresh point of view. In module 6 of my Foundations of Technology class, we learned all about Professional ...
Whistle Talk
The day to day happenings of middle school PE.