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EEND 675 Artifact 1-Trends in Technology Research Paper

It's been a hot second since I had to write a research paper. From the beginning, I was less than thrilled to have to go back to high school/college and remember everything that goes into a research paper. I got a bit overwhelmed just thinking about writing it even though writing is kind of my thing. I really enjoy creative writing and I leave the research to the professionals. I did procrastinate a little bit on it because it was not on the top of my "To-Do" list. However, once I got started it turned out to be one of the more interesting assignments that we were asked to complete.

Our assignment "Trends in Technology Research Paper" asked us to dive into the world of the 21st century learner and the importance of preparing our students for the global society. I chose tackle this more from the student side rather than the teacher. I wanted to research how educators are preparing their students to be future ready. In my research, I put together a timeline of events of when and how education has evolved starting with Common Core, moving to ISTE then culminating it all with SAMR. Before this research paper, I thought each piece was its own entity, separate from the others, but ended up finding out they are all interconnected and work together to help create a 21st Century learner. It is fascinating to see how education has evolved in the last 10 years. When the CCSS initiative was introduced, it was not a fan favorite. However, with the ISTE standards and the SAMR model, teachers can still meet the CCSS but are able to do it with a little flare. They do not have to "teach to the test" and can be innovative with their lessons. With the support of ISTE and SAMR, teachers can in-cooperate these standards in their classroom and develop a 21st century learner.

During my research, I was able to find how to include ISTE and SAMR better into my PE classes. At this point, I am in the substitution and augmentation portion of SAMR. As I said in my course reflection, I am going to put forth a solid effort to move my instruction into modification and redefinition. I know it's not going to be an easy task, but with the resources I found through this assignment, I will have much support. It is becoming more and more natural to find resources that pertain to the "specials" classes. Whenever we are introduced with a new tool, the first question asked is "how does this work in...." Through that question, I found this chart which gives examples on how to use SAMR in PE. I am not sure who put it together as there was no author, but it is a fantastic resource.

At the end of the day, I have come to find your success as a teacher depends on how invested you want to be as an educator. There are a wealth of resources and other teachers willing to help, all you have to do is ask!

Trends in Technology Research Paper    
