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EEND 675 Artifact 2 Connecting Through PLNs

PE gets a bad wrap at at times because of how it "used to be". I have heard horror stories of how PE teachers "roll out the ball" and sit with a newspaper or just focus on the super star athletes. If you had this type of PE experience, I sincerely apologize. Not all of us are like this. As a matter of fact, more and more PE teachers are trying to be innovative and create quality PE programs. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, PE is one of the first subjects to be cut or downsized. Schools have one or two PE teachers with class sizes upwards to 40-50 with minimal equipment, non-existent budgets and hardly any support. Thankfully, the digital world does not disappoint. I can't tell you how many times Twitter has saved my lessons or saved a rain day for me. It's so easy to find new ideas on Twitter or bounce ideas off of other PE teachers to get a fresh point of view.

In module 6 of my Foundations of Technology class, we learned all about Professional Learning Networks (PLN) and how to take ownership of our own learning. One of the assignments in module 6 was to have a Twitter chat with our classmates. I know Twitter isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I have always been a fan of it. I like how easy it is to use and I like how you can connect with people you may not have had the chance to before. Plus, and I'm not ashamed to say it, I like following all of the celebrity's a guilty pleasure. When I started taking these EdTech classes, I was introduced to a whole new network of educators willing to share and collaborate. Throughout the program, Twitter chats were a staple in each class and I found so many PE teachers to connect with. In this particular assignment, we has a few parameters to follow. We had to share a few things happening in our classroom, follow three quality educators or programs related to our content area and retweet a few interesting things from our classmates. Once again, my classmates did not disappoint. They had some of the most insightful, fun and quality ideas that even a middle school PE teacher can use. This is what I like the most about using Twitter for education. We don't have to have this divide between "core" classes and "special" classes. If we all work towards teaching the whole child, I truly believe we can make education the best for every child.
