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Technology in Education

Technology is here and has been here for quite some time.  I can for sure say that I love technology.  I like seeing the new phones, tablets, cars, TVs, etc that come out just about every day.  I like that technology is embedded into education to enhance student learning.  If the times are changing, we as teachers need to change with it.  However (you all knew this was coming), is there ever too much screen time?  Does technology necessarily mean they are in front of a screen all the time?  This is the part of technology that I struggle with because I see the zombies that most of the kids are turning into and how they can barely hold a conversation with their peers and it does worry me a bit.

About three weeks ago, the staff got a stern talking to about how the Chromebooks should not be used for the kids to play games on them and if there is unstructured time, they should not be on them. During this same week, we had 8th grade pictures during PE (of course) and the kids were almost shaking because we told them they were not allowed to be on their phones or Chromebooks while they were waiting for their picture to be taken.  It was the most concerning thing to watch because the kids couldn't sit and talk with their friends.  It was the quietest that the gym has ever been.  Is this something to worry about or is this the new norm of our future generations?  How do we as educators make sure that our students still have essential life skills such as conversing face to face?  


  1. I see EXACTLY what you are talking about with the lack of communication skills! I have students who have a hard time "using their words" with each other and I facilitate conversations daily because of all the "tattling". I feel like kids are no longer being taught basic communication skills and this is now one more thing I feel like we, as teachers, have to be responsible for.

    I also feel like, as I have said before, as a PE teacher I have to do everything I can to get kids away from technology at least a for a little bit...that is part of my struggle in introducing technology in my class.

  2. Wow I think that is concerning if they can't converse with one another without devices. I don't think it's come to that at the junior high level since we do not allow phones or devices except for educational purposes. But at the high school where they are allowed to have phones, I do see how hard it is for them to disconnect longer than 20 minutes. I mean even many of my friends cannot have a face to face conversation without checking their phones. :/

  3. Is this something to worry about or is this the new norm of our future generations? How do we as educators make sure that our students still have essential life skills such as conversing face to face?
    Balance is key. Screen time has to be beneficial and instructional. Gametime is never allowed in my class. I use Prodigy Math for any and all down time. Back to the question, I use a lot of group work that involves hands on math. Project based as much as possible. I do lean heavily on the technology. I think I have a good balance though of face to face. For me, it's about how to make math meaningful and most times, that comes from face to face interactions with each other.

  4. Hey Val I could not agree more. It is a fine line we walk between using technology and being student centered and being truly student centered. The use of technology has become so integrated in school that we should now take a step back and think about using it with a purpose. If we do not need to use it then maybe we should not. There is absolute value in putting your Chromebook down and having a group conversation. Schools are the perfect places for these conversations, because we all know that once school is over they (the students) will be back in front of the screen again.

  5. Hi Val,
    There is a lot of truth to your post I often struggle with how much technology is good for students. Like all things it should be used in moderation and when appropriate. Technology is a tool when it is used effectively it can be a game changer.


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