When it was time to dive into Module 6, I was very excited to learn the module was all about online portfolios and goal setting. In this particular assignment, we were asked to create a three part plan for our students to self-assess, set a goal and then reflect. I created this Google Sheet for my students to plan out their goals for their fitness tests. Each quarter, my students participate in the FitnessGram fitness tests. Before taking this class, I didn't really do much with them. I sent a copy to the district, but after that, I have no idea where they go or what is done with them. In creating this assignment, I am going to change the way I am do fitness testing. In order to truly allow my students to grow and progress I need to complete the fitness test at least twice a quarter so students can see their growth. Starting in 2nd quarter, I am going to try to implement this goal sheet to one of my classes to see how it goes. My concern is time. These fitn...
The day to day happenings of middle school PE.