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Showing posts from October, 2017

Best Quotes

As a PE teacher, I often receive quotes from multiple genres...funny, rude, crazy, you  name it, I've probably heard it.  However, today we started our unit on Ultimate Frisbee.  I have never taught it before and my students have never played it before.  Talk about a learning curve for both of us!  I had my students watch a video last night about the game which helped because they at least knew what to expect when they got to class today.  We started with throwing and catching and then worked into small sided games.  The kids seemed to enjoy what was going on.  I would walk to their groups to give feedback, they would ask questions...we had some good conversations.  As we were walking to go inside, one girl who isn't too athletic but she liked to be outside and she likes to play runs up to me and says "Ms. Wood...I knew this was going to be fun...but the fun-ness totally exceeded my expectations!"  I can't tell you how that one sentence ...